
Hello and welcome to the third annual VetCon miniature gaming convention. There are a number of reasons why I am hosting this convention. One is to bring back the old days of some great conventions like ViciCon - to have a convention by miniature gamers, for miniature gamers.

I want to host a convention where the costs will not be a contributing factor, hence, this year the convention will have a nominal fee of $25 to cover expenses. Finally, the main reason is to get together with friends, friends that I have been gaming with for 40+ years. As the saying goes, "If you build it, they will come" and come, I hope you do.

Although I made this a miniatures convention, and it is primarily a historical gaming convention, please don't think you cannot host a sci-fi or fantasy-based game.

I hope this is a huge success and will lead to further conventions down the line.

Looking forward to seeing everyone and having some fun.


Vet-Con 2024 Date and Times

Date and Times The Con will be at the Holiday Inn Express on Hwy 49 in Auburn, CA . Veteran's Day is Monday the 11th of November, hence,...